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Sunday, May 03, 2020

2020 Spring Drawing Project

Before our move to remote learning due to the #Covid19 pandemic, my students and I made art together. They could see me working on art and I could observe them at the same time. We research and make art together in the studio. Since our move to home studio activity, our practice of sharing our work has continued. With our move to remote learning, students share pictures of their work and I do the same.
Here is a sequence of photographs taken from January to April of 2020 detailing the development of a large drawing that started in the classroom and was finished in my home studio. 

Photograph by Sophie W. capturing dialogue between students and I. You can see the large drawing in the back of the art room!

Do artists do research? Absolutely!
Working on a large drawing requires persistence! 
The white oval bands were risky additions. What would go inside of them? The decision to add these bands added new problems and new opportunities for artification of this piece!
A few days after this photo was taken, we made the move to remote learning.

New studio digs. There is less space in the garage than in the New Palestine High School Art Education facilities however, I can make art in my home studio any time, day or night!
Repetition and pattern creates a sense of energy and movement.

Attention to detail requires patience and care.

For now, this 72 x 32 inch drawing drawing is finished!

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