Adam, Ryan, Peter, Beth, Magen and all of the folks at Oranje know how to put on a huge multi sensory event! I am most grateful to all the folks at Oranje for their kindness and good will. The evening provided me with lots of opportunity to show the Rhizome panels and the other works I have been generating. There were some very good contacts made, and I am looking forward to a possible show in Carmel and also connecting with some folks in the music business!
Many visitors to my space were intrigued by the work and were trying to figure out if the work was made out of stone or a composite. When I told them it was cardboard, they were pleasantly surprised. I was asked many times,"How do you transform it?" "What is your process?" My answer? "You have to pulverize it, mix it up and sculpt it."
I didn't have the heart to tell folks not to touch it. They were so curious....As my friend Diane Jaquith commented, it is a tactile experience to view the work.
Some thoughts on new work...currently I have a work that has recycled paint in the mixture, so that is something I want to explore. Color and new form will definitely be on the horizon for me.
Oranje was so much fun. Can't wait to do it again.