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Thursday, December 01, 2011

100 Years of Indy Parks Commemorative Art Exhibition at Garfield Park Arts Center

Here is the artist statement that accompanies this new work:
Is it a raised topographical relief map or an abstraction suggesting foliage, water, sky or the surface of a tree?  “Jack in the Green,” was inspired by natural forms created by dynamic biological processes and is intended to symbolize the cycle of growth observed in abundance throughout Indy Parks greenways and public spaces. This relief sculpture is created from 99% re-purposed materials, including discarded cardboard, paper and house paint. 

My sincerest thanks goes to Tom Weidenbach, Lesley Meier, Kris May, Sarah Norman and Jessica Dunn for all their hard work putting this exhibition together!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New Cardboard Work

I created a piece for the Garfield Arts special exhibit: "100 Years of Indy Parks," and I had some cardboard sculpting material left over, so I made this new piece. I like mobius strips so I am thinking about expanding on this idea.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The Rhizome as it appeared at 38 W. Fulton in Grand Rapids, Michigan during the first two weeks of the competition.
My sincerest thanks to the  Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids for selecting this work for inclusion in their ArtPrize exhibition space!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Adam, Ryan, Peter, Beth, Magen and all of the folks at Oranje know how to put on a huge multi sensory event! I am most grateful to all the folks at Oranje for their kindness and good will. The evening provided me with lots of opportunity to show the Rhizome panels and the other works I have been generating. There were some very good contacts made, and I am looking forward to a possible show in Carmel and also connecting with some folks in the music business!

Many visitors to my space were intrigued by the work and were trying to figure out if the work was made out of stone or a composite. When I told them it was cardboard, they were pleasantly surprised. I was asked many times,"How do you transform it?" "What is your process?" My answer? "You have to pulverize it, mix it up and sculpt it."
I didn't have the heart to tell folks not to touch it. They were so curious....As my friend Diane Jaquith commented, it is a tactile experience to view the work.

Some thoughts on new work...currently I have a work that has recycled paint in the mixture, so that is something I want to explore. Color and new form will definitely be on the horizon for me.

Oranje was so much fun. Can't wait to do it again.

A Night at Oranje!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Drawing and Sculpture Exhibit at Oranje

I learned yesterday I will have more exhibit space than I anticipated. I look forward to sharing some of my drawings from 1999 to 2009 at Oranje. Oranje will be a fun exhibit! See you on Sept. 17th!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Proposal Video

Here is a video I posted on YouTube a day after receiving my invitation from the Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids. Check it out!

Oranje 2011

The weekend before the ArtPrize event begins, I will be at Oranje 2011! My sincerest thanks to Adam Crockett of Oranje Indy. This event will showcase some of the most progressive artists and musicians in the Indy Metro Area. I am looking forward to doing another show for all my local friends and family, and this will be a great segue to ArtPrize.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Proposal Accepted!!

My sincerest thanks to Dr. Caroline Older, Angela De Luca Placencia and the rest of the Selection Committee from the Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids for selecting this proposal for inclusion in the 2011 ArtPrize Event! I am very excited to be at 38 W. Fulton in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids. I have deep ties to Michigan. My Grandmother is from Bay City and one of my uncles lives in Bridgeman. As a boy, I had many adventures at Warren Dunes and the Dowagiac area so it will be good to get back to the Great Lakes State.
Still making preparations for this work, but expect to have a large wall installation ready by the end of July. Looking forward to my drive to Grand Rapids to install the work.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Propoasl #1

These panels from "Dyptych" are approximately 3.5 ' tall by 2.5' wide. The panels from Propoal #1 would be 3 feet taller and at least two feet wider.
You can get a sense of their dimension here:

Art Prize Proposal #1

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Friday: February 4th, 2011

My sincerest thanks to Jessica and Michael Bricker for giving me the opportunity to exhibit at P.U.P in the Murphy Building for February's First Friday. I enjoyed my time visiting with gallery visitors and had wonderful conversations with Malcolm of the I.U. Ceramics Department and also Sophia from the Indianapolis Art Center.
Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Destined for P.U.P.

Another experimental relief sculpture created last summer with paper mache and cardboard....P.U.P is located in Studio 213 at the Murphy Art Center, 1043 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis. See you on Friday, February 4th!

More work at P.U.P.

This is the biggest of the pieces that will be at P.U.P. These works are made with 99% re-purposed cardboard and re-cycled paper. After years of working in fiber glass factories and elementary art programs I have decided to fuse the methods and techniques I learned from both experiences and have created a new form of relief sculpture (New to me!). Still experimenting with these forms, but have decided it is worth pursuing and I am very excited by the possibilities.

Art Show at P.U.P!!

My thanks go to Jessica and Maria for hooking me up for my first art exhibit at the Murphy Art Center! I am very excited about this opportunity and have created about nine pieces to commemorate this show. Here is a preview. Enjoy!