I began my career in art education around 1962. When I was three years old I began drawing on my mother's paper grocery bags. I remember working them over with pencils and pens. Later, I graduated to crayons. One day, I discovered my mother's highschool Latin textbook. It was loaded with images and sculpture from ancient Greek and Roman culture and mythology. What powerful images they were. The encounter with that book happened over 40 years ago. I think that book continues to influence me to this day. I still subconciously incorporate the figure into my abstract drawings. The drawing posted above is one I did 3 years ago. I was trying to avoid making another picture that had a face in it....I kept thinking about rhizome as a metaphor for the mind....an idea about the human mind conveyed by Umberto Eco. This drawing has many overlapping connections. I was thinking about the rhizome metaphor and how thought is connected. Mind and experience overlap and interconnect and becomes an inconcievable globality.....